・庭野日敬師が語る明るい社会づくり活動のこころがまえ [明るい社会づくり運動のポイント]
The great thing about Mr. Nikkei Niwano is that he clearly shows his own way of thinking and the direction it will take.
It also provides easy-to-understand explanations for anyone.
What's more, the way we think and the path we should take is clearly written down in writing (books) and neatly organized.
For example, even if future successors say or do something that is misguided based on their own intentions, that fact will be blatantly exposed.
In this sense, I would like you to read Mr. Nikkei Niwano's book without taking what current religious leaders say at face value.
Today, I would like to introduce a text by Reverend Nikkei Niwano that clearly states our thoughts regarding the form of activities to create a brighter society, which has been debated since his lifetime and even today. .
In addition, please see this content.
[Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Meisha Movement] Interview with the founder of Niwano
Nikkei Niwano talks about the principles behind activities to create a bright society
In order to make the world a better place, we must start by brightening up the area that each town and church in Japan is responsible for.
Therefore, it is not easy to get along with local people just for the purpose of creating a brighter society (Meisha Unkin).
Everyday interactions with people must be directly connected to the Meisha movement from beginning to end, and what is needed is to what extent can we draw people with whom we have daily connections into the movement? And it's about how far you can push it. In that sense, the Meisha movement and the movement for world peace are no different.
Some people may think that the Meisha movement started recently, but Rissho Kosei-kai has been involved in the Meisha movement since its birth.
It's not something I've just started.
It's not like I'll start this year and then quit when I get older. It is the same thing that world peace can only be achieved by building up these things one after another.
Fundamentally speaking, religious people are now seriously thinking about how to deal with the dark shadow that is casting over the future of humanity, and how to turn it into a brighter one, regardless of their own sect. I think we are now at a point where we need to hold a series of meetings.
If you start thinking about the Meisha Movement from the stage of how to embody the will of God and Buddha on this earth, you should be able to understand this as well.
Peace is built through practice.
It's not the subject.
Therefore, it would be a big mistake to think that we can achieve this by simply talking vaguely about peace and peace without doing anything; we must make serious efforts and work wholeheartedly.
It is important that you believe in Buddha in your heart, jump with joy, and feel that you cannot stay still.
When I was able to touch the relationship of Buddha,
He teaches people about the unstoppable rush of emotion that everyone experiences.
That is the way your heart is before you, and if you do that, people will also feel like you are touched by electricity, and will fall in love with you one after another.
In this sense, I would like all the members of Rissho Kosei-kai to first focus on shining a light on their corner, and to continue their practical activities to brighten society.
If you do that, you should see results soon.
How are you doing?
Can you understand Mr. Nikkei Niwano's sincerity?
〇ご相談はこちらをクリックして下さい。 ⇒ クリック
インターネット講座 拓塾 - 塾 是
Internet course Takujuku – Juku Kore
・Takujuku is a place and an activity body for the pursuit of practical theory. It is not just a place to provide information or acquire knowledge, but a place for self-improvement (self-improvement) and a place to practically promote social reform (social development).
インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines
1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.
1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.
〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos
・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)
・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)
The great thing about Mr. Nikkei Niwano is that he clearly shows his own way of thinking and the direction it will take.
It also provides easy-to-understand explanations for anyone.
What's more, the way we think and the path we should take is clearly written down in writing (books) and neatly organized.
For example, even if future successors say or do something that is misguided based on their own intentions, that fact will be blatantly exposed.
In this sense, I would like you to read Mr. Nikkei Niwano's book without taking what current religious leaders say at face value.
Today, I would like to introduce a text by Reverend Nikkei Niwano that clearly states our thoughts regarding the form of activities to create a brighter society, which has been debated since his lifetime and even today. .
In addition, please see this content.
[Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Meisha Movement] Interview with the founder of Niwano
Nikkei Niwano talks about the principles behind activities to create a bright society
機関紙 求道 より 佼成出版社ー昭和47年12月発行
From the journal Quest, published by Kosei Publishing Co., Ltd., December 1971.
庭野日敬法話選集6 P-220~221より 佼成出版社
From Nikkei Niwano Sermons Selection 6 P-220~221 Kosei Publishing
In order to make the world a better place, we must start by brightening up the area that each town and church in Japan is responsible for.
Therefore, it is not easy to get along with local people just for the purpose of creating a brighter society (Meisha Unkin).
Everyday interactions with people must be directly connected to the Meisha movement from beginning to end, and what is needed is to what extent can we draw people with whom we have daily connections into the movement? And it's about how far you can push it. In that sense, the Meisha movement and the movement for world peace are no different.
Some people may think that the Meisha movement started recently, but Rissho Kosei-kai has been involved in the Meisha movement since its birth.
It's not something I've just started.
It's not like I'll start this year and then quit when I get older. It is the same thing that world peace can only be achieved by building up these things one after another.
Fundamentally speaking, religious people are now seriously thinking about how to deal with the dark shadow that is casting over the future of humanity, and how to turn it into a brighter one, regardless of their own sect. I think we are now at a point where we need to hold a series of meetings.
If you start thinking about the Meisha Movement from the stage of how to embody the will of God and Buddha on this earth, you should be able to understand this as well.
Peace is built through practice.
It's not the subject.
Therefore, it would be a big mistake to think that we can achieve this by simply talking vaguely about peace and peace without doing anything; we must make serious efforts and work wholeheartedly.
It is important that you believe in Buddha in your heart, jump with joy, and feel that you cannot stay still.
When I was able to touch the relationship of Buddha,
He teaches people about the unstoppable rush of emotion that everyone experiences.
That is the way your heart is before you, and if you do that, people will also feel like you are touched by electricity, and will fall in love with you one after another.
In this sense, I would like all the members of Rissho Kosei-kai to first focus on shining a light on their corner, and to continue their practical activities to brighten society.
If you do that, you should see results soon.
How are you doing?
Can you understand Mr. Nikkei Niwano's sincerity?
〇ご相談はこちらをクリックして下さい。 ⇒ クリック
インターネット講座 拓塾 - 塾 是
Internet course Takujuku – Juku Kore
・Takujuku is a place and an activity body for the pursuit of practical theory. It is not just a place to provide information or acquire knowledge, but a place for self-improvement (self-improvement) and a place to practically promote social reform (social development).
インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines
1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.
1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.
〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos
・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)
・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)
2024-08-31 21:13
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