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・庭野日敬師の根底にある思いや願い | 法華経は人間第一の教え [明るい社会づくり運動のポイント]

・庭野日敬師の根底にある思いや願い | 法華経は人間第一の教え
・The underlying thoughts and wishes of Reverend Nikkei Niwano | The Lotus Sutra teaches that humans come first


新釈 法華三部経「著‐庭野日敬」は何度か読んでいますが、今回も、新たにチャレンジをしようと思っていましたが、全部で十巻になりますので、なかなか気分的にその気にならずにいました。
I have read the New Interpretation of the Three Parts of the Lotus Sutra by Nikkei Niwano several times, and this time I was thinking of taking on a new challenge, but since there are 10 volumes in total, I'm not really in the mood. I didn't feel like it.

I decided not to rush and wait patiently until the time came.

I thought there was no point in reading it in a hurry.

During that time, I read the posthumous text of Saint Nichiren, and it was very helpful. It would be difficult to read them all, so I read the most representative ones in the original text, but I was able to feel the historical background of the time, the breath and spirit of the saint Nichiren, and the Lotus Sutra. I learned a lot in understanding this. (I think the correct answer was to read the original text rather than the translation.)


When I first read the New Interpretation of the Lotus Three Parts Sutra, written by Nikkei Niwano, I was struck by how clearly Reverend Nikkei Niwano writes with sincerity and care. Also, I am very grateful that I am writing with the readers in mind.

I have only just started reading the book, but I can feel the work of Reverend Nikkei Niwano, and I am grateful and moved as I read it.

What particularly surprised me was the ``Introduction'' section of Volume 1, which states the following in ``The Lotus Sutra teaches that humans come first'' (P-46).


The Lotus Sutra teaches that humans come first

The Lotus Sutra is a teaching of (respect for humanity), a teaching of (human perfection), and a teaching of (human peace) that stands on top of that. In short, it is the teaching of humanism. Also, as I repeat, the content of the Lotus Sutra is precious. That spirit is precious. And it is precious to put those teachings into practice. By understanding, believing in, and putting into practice its teachings, one can gradually move closer to a state of mind that is free from earthly desires while leading a normal social life. Furthermore, by working together for the sake of others, each of us will improve ourselves while at the same time making the world a better place to live in and more beautiful.

--This is nothing but the ideal of those who practice the Lotus Sutra. ---

It has been 2,500 years since the Lotus Sutra was preached, and the time has come for the first time to fully understand the true spirit of its teachings. We have now entered an era in which the goal of carrying out this practice is completely in line with the true intentions of the Buddha.
Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for us to return to the truth of this teaching and actively build a better tomorrow for ourselves, for our families, for others, for the world, and for world peace. Isn't there?



The thoughts and wishes of Reverend Nikkei Niwano are condensed.

I feel that Reverend Nikkei Niwano's thoughts and wishes are condensed in this sentence.

This book was first published on March 12, 1960, so it was before the meeting with Pope Paul VI, the movement to build a brighter society, and the World Religions for Peace Conference.

I believe that Reverend Nikkei Niwano has been able to embody his thoughts and wishes through his religious activities, his movement to create a brighter society, and the World Religions for Peace Conference.

I think that Reverend Nikkei Niwano probably thinks that there is no division between these activities, and that they are all integrated and work towards a single purpose and goal.

I think that Reverend Nikkei Niwano's consistent thoughts and action are wonderful.

Don't you think it is important to make efforts to further embody the thoughts and wishes of Reverend Nikkei Niwano through the movement to create a brighter society advocated by Reverend Nikkei Niwano?

I think this is simple and straightforward.

I am grappling with the reality that something so simple and clear is difficult to understand.

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インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines

1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.

1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.

〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos

・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)

・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)


・庭野日敬氏が提唱した明るい社会づくり運動に求められるリダーの資質とは! [インタネット講座「拓塾」]

・What are the qualities of a leader required for the movement to create a bright society advocated by Nikkei Niwano?

No matter how great an organization is, depending on the qualities of the leader at the top, an insignificant organization can grow into a great organization, or a great organization can become a corrupt organization. There is something wrong.

The qualities of a leader who stands at the top of an organization are very important factors.

私自身も、様々なボランティア組織のリダーや、明るい社会づくり運動の各地域のリダーの方々とお会いさせていただきますが、 そのリダーの方が、どこに視点を置いているのかで、その組織の活動形態が決まって来ると思います。
I myself meet with leaders from various volunteer organizations and leaders from various regions who are part of the movement to create a brighter society, and depending on where the leader is focused, I am able to determine the organization's activities. I think the format will be decided.

Reverend Nikkei Niwano, who advocated a movement to create a brighter society, said the following under the title ``Excellent Leaders.''




excellent leader

庭野 日敬 著 『開祖随感』より

]From “Kaiso Zuikan” by Nikkei Niwano

I have met countless people over the years, and I can safely say that I have never met anyone who was completely unmotivated from the beginning.

If someone is unmotivated, something is suppressing their motivation. It can be said that a great leader is someone who can give specific advice on how to motivate everyone.

Disneyland is said to be very popular and is packed to capacity every day, but it seems that a lot of attention is paid to the details to make sure that the visitors are happy. For example, a girl selling balloons is trained to crouch down and hand the balloons to the child so that she can meet her eye level.

It seems that some parents are so touched that their children have been truly taken care of that they come all the way to say thank you. Then, the seller will be happy too. I feel motivated and proud of my work.

Rather than telling people to "go ahead" or "do your best," it is important to reach out to the heart to find out what is suppressing the motivation that everyone has, and to have the compassion to remove it.



The cause of the current lack of vitality is

What are the causes of the lack of human resources, lack of appeal, and lack of vitality in the current movement to create a brighter society? Don't you think there is a need to take this matter seriously and take immediate measures to address it? There is a concept of ``putting a lid on things that stink,'' but as long as you keep repeating that, nothing will change.

I think this is what the late Mr. Nikkei Niwano laments most.

What do you think?

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インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines

1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.

1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.

〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos

・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)

・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)


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・羅針盤となる教えの大切さ、瀉瓶無遺より-庭野日敬氏のお言葉 [庭野日敬師の言葉]

The importance of teachings as a compass, from Shabinmuyi - words of Niwano Nikkyo

There is someone who keeps pushing me forward. I have no way of knowing who that person is or where they are from. I am conflicted about this, but I am writing this blog because I am being guided by that person.

Niwano Nikkyo conveys the Lotus Sutra in a way that is easy to understand even for ordinary people like us. He also left behind a huge number of books for future generations to enjoy. No matter which book you pick up, you can feel Niwano Nikkyo's sincerity.

In this situation, I feel very sad and lonely that our religious organization can only watch over the current situation in the world.

The world will not stay the same forever. All things are impermanent, and the flow of time moves forward day by day. It is essential to go along with the flow of the times, rather than staying at the forefront of the times.

What should we do now? What can we do now? Isn't it time to explore and start doing what's possible? That's what I hear from the people who continue to push me forward.

Today, I would like to introduce one passage from this collection, written in voluminous detail.



The Importance of Teachings as a Compass

瀉瓶無遺  佼成出版社 発行:1993.11  P128~129

The bottle is gone Kose Publishing Published: November 1993 P128~129

地球をはじめとして星にもそれぞれ軌道があるように、人間にも人間として守るべき倫理規範というか歩むべき道があります。もしも、この世に基準となるべき物差しや秤がなかったならは、私たちは社会生活をスムー ズに営むことはできません。
Just as the Earth and other stars each have their own orbits, humans also have ethical standards that they must follow as humans, or the path they must walk. If there were no measuring sticks or scales to serve as standards in this world, we would not be able to live smoothly in society.

People tend to dismiss big goals that cannot be achieved as mere idealism, but it is precisely because we have ideals that we can work towards them and reflect on our own shortcomings.

In Mahayana Buddhism in particular, the act of continuing to walk toward a goal (diligence) is considered to be more sacred and important than the act of reaching that goal.

We cannot go to the stars, but as long as the stars shine in the night sky, we can walk the dark night without getting lost. In order to live in this world, people need teachings that serve as a compass.

In that sense, it is important to respect the Buddha, who is the ideal person. By doing so, we can see how immature and lacking we are compared to that ideal. That is why I think we can naturally become humble, even without being told by others to "be humble."

Buddhist scholar Professor Nakamura Gen introduced a passage from the Dhammapada, which says, "If a fool knows he is a fool, he is wise. But it is he who is a fool and thinks he is wise who should be called a fool."

I believe that being humble and acknowledging one's shortcomings, and being honest, are essential for human growth.



What do you think? I believe that many people related to the cult are reading this blog. However, it is not enough to just sit back and follow the instructions from the leadership.

If we do not put into action what is written in the Lotus Sutra according to our own beliefs, we will be betraying the Buddha, Niwano Nikkyo, and the Lotus Sutra.

The Lotus Sutra is a path for beginners who start because they have been told to do so by someone else.

You shouldn't be a beginner forever.

The Lotus Sutra is also said to be the teaching that awakens the bodhisattva.

[Note 1]
It preaches about taking action yourself.
By taking action yourself, you will find people who resonate with you.
This leads to turning the wheel of the law.

As someone who receives food from the Buddha, I believe that I should behave in a way that is not shameful.

(仏語。 悟りを得ようとする心を起こすこと。 菩提心 (ぼだいしん) を起こすこと。 仏門に入ること。)参考-菩薩の発心について-大谷大学のページ
〖Note-1〗Hatsushin means
(Buddhist term. To awaken the desire to attain enlightenment. To awaken the bodhicitta. To enter the Buddhist priesthood.) Reference - About the Bodhisattva's awakening - Otani University page

〖Note-2〗Those who receive Buddhist food
(Those who earn a living by doing things related to Buddha. Example: monks, people related to religions and religious organizations, etc.)

瀉瓶無遺 佼成出版社 発行:1993.11
Shabyomui, Kosei Publishing, Published: November 1993
Just as one pours water from one bottle into the next without leaving a single drop behind, the title "Shabyomui" expresses the desire to pass on the teachings of Rissho Kosei-kai to the next generation. The book specifically explains the core of the faith that we must protect and pass on as Buddhists and Kosei members, with specific explanations for each and every daily practice of believers.


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インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines

1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.

1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.

〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos

・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)

・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)

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・庭野日敬師の明るい社会づくり運動の歴史的試み、 [インタネット講座「拓塾」]

・Reverend Nikkyo Niwano talks about the key points of the peace movement | Movement for a bright society

I believe it is very important to examine what significance, or lack thereof, the fact that Reverend Niwano advocated the movement to create a brighter society, and that this activity has continued to this day with the support of many people, has in the course of Japanese history.

o, this time I would like to introduce a passage in a book by Mr. Hidehiro Sato, former head of the National Taku Academy for Creating a Bright Society, which states something very important.



A historic attempt to create a new society

  佐 藤 秀 裕 氏  
  元 明るい社会づくり運動 全国協議会・拓塾々長
  Mr. Hidehiro Sato
  Former President of the National Council for Creating a Bright Society and Takujuku

he Bright Society Movement began in each region and initially focused on volunteer activities, but has now grown to a nationwide scale, with organizations at the prefectural and, in some regions, municipal levels.

This movement has been going for only fifteen years, but a lot has happened in that time.

Various issues arose regarding movement theory, organization, finances, activities, and human relationships.

Even in the course of just a dozen years of history, there seem to have been many valuable footprints that have influenced the movement.

As I wrote earlier, it seems to me that the Meisha movement is now at a major turning point.

It seems that the time has come to reconsider whether the ideals that have been promoted as the basic principles and guidelines of this movement are relevant to the real world, and whether they are realistic and feasible as they are.

On the surface, it appears to be simply a volunteer organization, a part of volunteer activities.

In fact, many people think so.

However, the basic direction of this movement lies in its positioning as a social reform movement, and this is where the meaning and purpose of the movement emerge.

Speaking of social reform, it gives the impression of some kind of sudden anti-establishment movement against the current social system through physical or economic force, but as a method of reforming society, it is not something that can be carried out as an anti-establishment movement.

here are ways to reform society without disruptive revolution.

If what has generally been referred to historically as revolution is "external reform," then the Meisha Movement took the approach of "internal reform."


The Meisha Movement can truly be said to be a historic attempt to "create a new society."

Will this movement continue to be oriented as a volunteer organization and a volunteer movement, or as a social reform movement?

This point is said to be a turning point or a crossroads.

Furthermore, the movement was initiated by a religious leader, and inevitably those who belong to religious organizations are enthusiastic to participate, which can have a negative effect on the fact that it is seen as a religious movement.

The challenge that lies ahead for the future of this movement is whether it can be reoriented from a movement with a strong religious flavor to a residents' movement that involves residents with a variety of values, outlooks on life, positions, and occupations.

The key point for this movement is that it requires the foresight to anticipate the times and lead the established values ​​and trends of the times.

「明るい社会づくり運動 行動と理念」 日本を支える大きな蜒りに 
"Bright Society Movement: Actions and Philosophy" A big pillar supporting Japan
               初版 昭和61年6月1日 (序文p8~10)
               First edition: June 1, 1986 (Preface p8-10)
               著者 佐 藤 秀 裕
               Author: Hidehiro Sato

I think that Hidehiro Sato has accurately captured the major turning points in this movement to create a brighter society, including the historical context of the time.

I will write about this in more detail at a later date, but when combined with Reverend Niwano's thoughts on creating a brighter society, it is a very meaningful and important talk.

I believe that leaders who have this kind of perspective and sensibility are essential for the movement to create a brighter society in the future.

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インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines

1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.

1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.

〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos

・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)

・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)

・明るい社会づくり運動の庭野日敬師の本当の願いとは! [インタネット講座「拓塾」]


I remember something that Reverend Nikkei Niwano once taught me.

In order for things to come to fruition, it is difficult to achieve them unless "the benefits of God, the benefits of time, and the benefits of people" are all aligned!

Therefore, I think it is important for each person to ask themselves whether or not they were able to do their best to reach their mutual goals.

Also, it is important to make every effort to leave things to us and ask for things that need to be done, and do everything we can to do things ourselves.

Then, I think, ``The results of things will come later.''

If what we are trying to do is truly important, and if the interests of God, time, and people are not all aligned, then having the time to wait for the right time is also a very important point.

By the way, Reverend Nikkei Niwano says the following about the movement to create a brighter society.

How much can you understand?

How far can you practice it?




(November 1973, magazine "Kosei")

I learned some good words recently.

When I went to America, I read a book by Yamada Mubun Roshi at a hotel, and the teachings of Rinzai appeared there.

The phrase ``no-ranked true person'' is a good and ambiguous phrase.

We live in a world where everyone assumes that they are ordinary people, but if we could change that belief into the belief that we are truly human, even though we have no rank, that alone would change the world. It should be bright.

Also, if we can create a place where we can encourage the people who have gathered to participate by preaching this, we can say that we have achieved the first stage of success.

Of course, I have no intention of doing this movement for the benefit of Rissho Kosei-kai.

If we cooperate with each other, there is no way we can say to people from other sects, ``My sect is better than yours, so please come.''

The same goes for the movement to create a brighter society.

By the way, ``faith for all the people'' is one of the four pillars that the Shinshu and others aim for, but in order to achieve this goal, I would like you to see that in some way this is the way of life for religious people. I have been thinking for a long time that I would like people to listen to my story.

The Meisha movement has been advocated along this line.

I am also convinced that if we respect each other and work together while worshiping our Buddha nature, this world will quickly become paradise.


Whether we make this world a paradise or not depends on where we place our hearts, and whether or not the people who come together can become true humans or not will determine this.



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インターネット講座 拓塾 -行動指針
Internet course Takujuku - Behavioral guidelines

1. Self-study and self-improvement: Aim for friendly competition and self-improvement based on self-study and self-improvement.

1. Pioneer development: Be a pioneer of the times without cultivating an enterprising spirit, pioneering spirit, and motivation.

〇私の活動 YouTubeの動画
〇My activities YouTube videos

・私が何故、マインフルネスを立ち上げたのか | (公開日 2023/11/06)
・Why I started Mindfulness | (Release date 2023/11/06)

・マインドフルネス無料相談会のご案内| (公開日 2016/03/07)
・Information about free mindfulness consultation sessions | (Published on 2016/03/07)

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